Lev Tolstoi

Don't look for happiness in passions, but in your heart!

miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Oslo, here I come...

It's said you never have to lose hope; always trust yourself. The problem with trust is that we have to learn it the hard way, as we all the time consider mature when, in fact, we are like particles from the brownian movement. Actually, when comes the maturity? Only when you learn from your own mistakes. Even if somebody tells you the tomato is red, you don't believe it till you taste it. This is our major problem: we simply don't wanna grow up, like children we smell everything, touch it, 'in a research environment'.
But, here comes the dilemma: if someone says you cannot do something, comes the reaction immediately: you simply do it:)). And this has serious results and impacts. What I've wanted to state is that if you really wanna have something, you simply get it. Not now, not tomorrow, probably somewhere in the future, but that "special something" is settled for you and waits till you get. Like "Morgana girl", you know is there, but cannot touch it. Some may fall down till they get to the trhope, some may lose hope, but definitely, it's prepared for you and waits for your ambitious and motivation to come and take it.
The brief introduction is for something that finnally happened to me, after 2 years of attempts. I'll be somewhere in Europe (hopefully Oslo) in August, but I've wanted this phenomenon for so long...so badly. So, my advice for all of you is ... to never lose hope. And, to be all the time surrounded by true friends, who can help you when you're down. And here I'd like to mention Monicutza, Ruxi, Miha, Miha, Boboaca and Pisi. They know why, especially in the year 2010, during winter. It's so important to have your friends ... If it would be to choose a country when you can be accomplished on the social hierarchy, definitely Romania has a lot to give! But I'll update the Erasmus part sooner, when the official result will come.
Don't forget: Never lose hope!!!

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