Lev Tolstoi

Don't look for happiness in passions, but in your heart!

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

New beginnings

We are the owners of our destiny. Even if we interact with people all the time, it's just the illusion they've changed our faith. Indeed, everyone needs to have a social life, part of a hierarchy, but for it's own benefits, it's compulsory to decide for itself... I've always tried to find excuses, to state that oh...I could have done that...ok...but why didn't I do it?
Romanian people have the belief in their "blood". Some may judge me...how can I state that an intagible asset can coordinate our actions? The cultural background is still alive, we, as a nation, need to raise like the Pheonix bird, from our own dust.
Selfish individuals may say that they don't have beliefs, that they are the masters of their own decisions. But never, I mean ... never, dind't they need a superior force to help them to keep on walking? And here I'm not reffering on friends, family&co...no,...to our alter ego. Indeed, the motivation is internal, you cannot be helped without having the initiative; but isn't in you something/someone that whispers you to move on?
You cannot see in the future without having incentive roots in the past. It's a saying "As much as you can look deep into the past, as much you can forsee your future". So, why shall we erase the memories, feelings, knowledge, just for the sake of having the freedom of building something new, totally unknow, in the future? It's so difficult to think just for a second, at our happiness, instead of our own goals/respect gained in society? To feel? Having no constraints? Just enjoy the moment? No matter who we are, who is our companionship, just be HUMAN in a globalisation society.
These are some of the reflections I felt while discussing with various foreigners last year. They have an awful image about Romanians, and about people's mentalities in special.

As a young generation, we want to create so many opportunities, but just as a saying, cause in the real world, we do nothing to aquire our dreams. Teenagers are promoted to go and study abroad, just to leave the country. But really, cannot we, as potential builders, to change future generations to better perspectives? That's why we are born? To help other nations to develop? And leave nothing to our origin nation? And our destiny is created by us...we need just to cope - take initiate-coordinate - and implement. Just unifying our forces we can be better. Without envying the others - just admiring them - and sustain, as a development group!

All these reasons were said because .. in a month, my destiny will be decided as well. I'm a 2-master-programs student, and will have 2 session exams...what can be more difficult than to fight for your perspectives? And yes, I admit I believe in God, with the superior concept of somebody who'se there and motivates you whaen you are in greatest need. Whay do I state all these above? Cause the chances of getting an Erasmus scholarship are quite low if I wanna get higher grades in both programs ... and I don't know yet how to improve the wealth of my country, but, no matter where I'll be in a few years/decades, i wanna help, cause this "shitty country", how it's the global general opinion, gave me so many...my parents, my brother, my nearest&dearest and ... my friends.
So, thank you Romania!

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